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Friday, July 1, 2011

Bon Jour Paree

Hello All;
So it hqs just tqken ,e 5 minutes to log onto this foreign keyboqrd at an internet cafe around the corner fro, our hotel: Forgive the spelling errors, but the keyboard is different and Im being chqrged to fix them. LOL;

We arrived in Paris at the austilitz train station right after 12. Raquel greeted us with fresh nectarines. As the kids enjoyed the sweetness; we walked to the subway; took it straight to the hotel: only had to walk a few blocks. i wqtched as the kids looked around them in awe:
Our rooms were not reqdy, so they went out and found some food. then came back to rooms of 2 qnd 3 beds.

We had an hour to get ready for the eiffel tower walked 3 blocks to the grassy area under the towers shadow: they appeased me with a round of council and we shared about our best memories so far (throwing chips on Groel, chest while he was sleeping so the pigeons would jump on him,), and our regrets: (packing too much and sleeping in for the Dali tour zere the top 2):

then the kids ran up the stairs to the eiffel and ,et at 7 to go on a four hour bike ride with a new york tour guide named Simon: it was wonderful to ride down st germain under the tree lined bouvelards: no accidents, and no run in with taxis, just one or two red lights and honking horns: there are many more mopeds here then i remember from previous tours: the last hour of the tour was a boat ride on teh river Seine: we begqn at 10 qnd were able to pass the Ile De La Cite and view Saint Chapelle and Notre Dqme from a south view. On the turn back up the river it was dark and we watched the eiffel tower light up and twinkle; i took tons of pictures as their Paris excitement was growing. After the tour, it was close to midnight and that is when the anxiety set in.
Even though it was midnight and My body was ready for bed? they had other ideas. Our hotel; unfortunately had a 1-7 am curfew where the front doors would be locked: Oh how i watched them scurry around like ants trying to find ways around this rule. Alas, they were all in by 1.

The next morning we met as a group we passed out 2 day subway passes, i tqught them the subway system zhich zqs very similiar to Barcelona.  and brought them on a subway to Notre Dame. We took a couple group pictures and everyone went inside.
Then they grouped up and some went to the Louvre; so,e to teh Pompidou. some to the Musee D,Orsay; some strolled down  Des Champs elysees. We qll met back at the hotel at 7  and took the subway up to Montmartre to have dinner in teh famous Plce du Tertre zhere the painters and portraits are done. After Marlee sang to us at dinner; sang to the restaurant actually. and Alex and Justine danced with the Parisian host DJa nice lovely two step, we got gelatos and walked to the steps of Sacre Couer to watch teh beautiful view of the city and watch the City of Lights actually turn into the City of Lights/ As we were waiting; there was a soccor expert doing the ,ost a,azing tricks with a soccer ball while on a fence 200 feet above teh ground. amazing; ask your kid about that one:
We then took a walk down Boulevardde Clichy where all the sex shops are to see the Moulin Rouge. I think we lost some boys in the shows? but by this time I just had my eyes on the girls. I brought them safely back to the hotel before our 1 am curfew.
The next morning? today, Raquel has taken 11 kids to Versailles; 5 will follow later (they wanted to sleep in° and I FINALLY SLEPT IN? qctuqlly? I greeted them at 9 am then went bqck to sleep. I hqd a little time to write this before i tqke q group to Pere Lachaise; a cemetary where Jim Morrison and Edith Piaf are buried:
Tonight q few kids want to try the steak restaurant Entre Cote; and others want to sleep:
Tomorrow we will meet in teh lobby with our bags at check out at 10 go eat lunch at a cafe. then board an afternoon train to Amsterdam.

Afgain? i am sorry i havent written. its hard to get away; or actually its hard to leave teh fun:

but i knoz you all want to hear how happy they are. again i need to say that this is the best group ive brought: you reqlly shuld be pourd of the adults you have raised:  thank you for such an easy time.
What a beautiful adventure teh kids have been having in Paris!
I qm sick that i cqnt edit this; but i am now at 41 minutes§§§§§

Au Revoir

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a ball. Glad to hear they're all falling in line. Safe travels to Amsterdam. Hopefully some one will play that Peter Bjorn And John song "Amsterdam" on the train. It should get them ready.

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